[Zope] XUF and Postgres

Andrew Milton akm at theinternet.com.au
Fri Jul 15 02:25:17 EDT 2005

+-------[ Tino Wildenhain ]----------------------
| Am Donnerstag, den 14.07.2005, 12:46 -0300 schrieb David Pratt:
| > I am looking at using the ExUserFolder with Postgres.  Any users of 
| > this combination that could share feedback (positive or negative) on 
| > how this solution is working for them. Many thanks.
| I use it but in a very hacked up form because I need inline auth
| and I wanted sha1 hash instead of the default crypt.

BTW, the 0.50.x branch has pluggable crypt types..

crypt, md5, sha are part of the crypts you can pick.. or you can write your
own in about 30 seconds if you need something else.

Andrew Milton
akm at theinternet.com.au

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