[Zope] Zope Foundation Update

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Wed Jul 20 00:02:09 EDT 2005

--On 19. Juli 2005 19:07:25 -0400 Rob Page <rob.page at zope.com> wrote:
> During my stay at EuroPython I learned that eighteen
> months ago (and without Zope Corporation's knowledge or
> consent) Zope Europe Association (ZEA) registered a
> trademark consisting of the Cirlce-Z (the stylized Z
> surrounded by a circle) followed by the word ZOPE
> (hereinafter "Circle-Z-Zope").  The mark they
> registered is identical to the corporate logo used by
> Zope Corporation.
> In the three weeks since learning of ZEA's illegitimate
> registration of our marks we have tried diligently (but
> unsuccessfully) to get ZEA to unconditionally transfer
> the rights of the registration.

Isn't this really strange? How can ZEA register any ZC trademark?!
Either ZC is the owner of the trademarks including Europe or it isn't?!
So either ZEA is violating the ZC trademark rights knowingly or ZC maybe 
never had any registered trademarks in Europe....you someone please clarify 
this (Paul?).

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