[Zope] Re: Oracle

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Fri Jul 29 14:26:16 EDT 2005

Peter Bengtsson wrote at 2005-7-29 13:05 +0100:
>On 7/29/05, Robert <sigzero at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, I thought it read it was no longer being worked on. Maybe I was
>> thinking something else.  : )
>Perhaps it don't need more work because it's so damn perfect!?! :)

I can tell you that this is not the case.

A colleague of mine currently hunts a difficult bug in DCO2
which causes wrong query results with a probability of about
0.0025 (non empty "long" fields are non-deterministically
reported as "None").

He also tried cx_Oracle. It is more reliable but by a factor
of 4 slower than DC02.


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