[Zope] What "Maximum age of a cache entry (seconds)" means in RAM Cache Manager?

J Cameron Cooper zope-l at jcameroncooper.com
Sat Jul 30 12:45:44 EDT 2005

Litao Wei wrote:

> I have read the zope book and zope online help about RAM Cache
> Manager. But all of them didn't say anything about the parameter "What
> "Maximum age of a cache entry (seconds)" mean.
> It looks that this parameter like "Cleanup interval (seconds)", which
> zope book explained as "The lifetime of cached results.". But what
> this parameter mean? Would somebody give me an explaination?

It means exactly as it seems to mean.

Maximum age:

No cache entry older than n seconds, where n is the value you supply for
that setting, will be used.

Cleanup interval:

Appx every n seconds, sweep the cache and remove entries that are
expired, as in the above parameter.

You would not want to do this too often (for performance reasons) nor
too little (lest the cache become very large).

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