[Zope] UnpickleableError: Cannot pickle <type 'thread.lock'> objects

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Tue Jun 14 13:20:30 EDT 2005

Dylan Jay wrote at 2005-6-14 17:45 +1000:
> ...
>356, in _commit_objects
>    jar.commit(o, self)
>  File "C:\Program Files\Zope-2.7.5-final\lib\python\ZODB\Connection.py", 
>line 4
>52, in commit
>    dump(state)
>UnpickleableError: Cannot pickle <type 'thread.lock'> objects

I would catch the error and enter a debugger to analyse the "o" above.

With "pdb" (the Python Debugger, part of Python),
this could look like:

     try: dump(state)
     except: import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

Zope will then enter the debugger when the error happens.

You must run Zope in the foreground for this to work
(otherwise, you do not have a chance to interact with "pdb").


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