[Zope] Cached Variables

calisp at gmail.com calisp at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 05:39:19 EDT 2005

On 23/06/05, Andrew Milton <akm at theinternet.com.au> wrote:
> +-------[ calisp at gmail.com ]----------------------
> | Hi,
> |
> | I am developing an application that is a front end to an RDBMS.
> | Sometimes, when loading a page, several scripts get called that all
> | require the same information from the database.  It would obviously be
> | costly for each script to call the same ZSQL method.  My method for
> | avioiding this senario is...
> ZSQL Methods can do their own caching... you can set it from the Advanced Tab
> of the ZSQL Method. This should eliminate the overhead of multiple calls.

Ah, nice.  Setting it to a second should do the job in this case. 
Ideally I'd like it doing it on a per request basis though.

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