[Zope] Re: External editor for ZMI

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jun 28 09:44:27 EDT 2005

On 28.Jun 2005 - 07:12:14, ken wood wrote:
> I've been following this discussion with some interest as I have never been 
> able to get ExternalEditor to work for me. Now, that said, I have it confiured 
> enough that it will present me with an editor and a file (WinWord) by clicking 
> on the pencil. But I am confused on two points:
> 1.) When Word opens a document it presents me with text without any formatting. 
> Also gives me metadata, URL, cookie info etc. Is this how it is supposed to 
> work?

Can't help you with that, except maybe you could check that the mimetype
of the document you want to edit is correct. ExternalEditor IIRC uses
that to determine which editor to invoke.

> 2.) When I save the work, I don't know where is goes or how to get it back to 
> my plone site.

Nothing needs to be done. ExternalEditor takes care of uploading, as
soon as you save the file. At least that's how its supposed to work and
it did last time I used it. Back then, it had some problems when my gvim
detached from the calling process, but that could be worked around...


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