[Zope] setting up apache redirects

Jerry Westrick jerry at westrick.com
Tue Mar 8 07:19:39 EST 2005

On Tuesday 08 March 2005 13:41, Zope User wrote:
> Hello,
> I have set up 2 instances of websites on 2 different ports on one
> single server. Anyone familiar with setting up apache redirects for
> the second instance which is not on port 8080?
> I'm new to zope and will really appreciate any help in this matter.
> I have successfully created 2 instances. I am also able to log in to
> it using ZMI.
> Many Thanks
> rt
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Here are my notes on how to setup Apache2 Redirects for a single 
zope instance, on SuSE...  Adapt as needed...

Apache Configuration for Zope 
You need to make the following changes to Apache2 so that you can access zope 
through it: 

Enable Proxy 
Yast2->Network Services->HTTP Server->Advanced->Server Modules: 
Enable  proxy  and  proxy_http , by selecting them and then pressing the  
toggle status  button. 

Add ZopeProxy definitions 
Create the ZopeProxy File As root create 
directory /etc/apache2/httpd.conf.local then create a file 
called: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf.local/ZopeProxy.conf with the following 
# General Zope Proxies for widgets and stuff 
ProxyPass /misc_ http://localhost:8080/misc_ 
ProxyPass /p_ http://localhost:8080/p_
# The Zope Root directory 
ProxyPass /Zope http://localhost:8080/ 
ProxyPassReverse /Zope http://localhost:8080/
# Definitions for the Examples Applications without the /Zope prefix 
ProxyPass /Examples http://localhost:8080/Examples 
ProxyPassReverse /Examples http://localhost:8080/Examples 

Include the ZopeProxy.conf file in the apache configuration
 Yast2->System->Editor for /etc/sysconfig files: 
APACHE_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES /etc/apache2/httpd.conf.local/ZopeProxy.conf


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