[Zope] parameter problem continues

prabuddha ray buddha_2001 at rediffmail.com
Fri Mar 11 04:02:55 EST 2005

   thnx YUAN

Ya i tried d the test code. its givin the district correctly 
i sud tell u wat am i doin in the javascript method 'user10()' 
invoking on the onchange() of 1st dropdown list.

function user10(){
     document.nlogin.user11.value='y'     //for username dummy
         document.nlogin.action="index_html" //this page id

its still givin that compilation error.

  Error Type
  Error Value

the tal code i used was

<div tal:repeat="user
<option tal:content="user/username"></opt

I think wen the page is getting loaded its not finding the
districtname variable. so have to initialize it for the 1st
something like
  <span tal:condition="districtname|nothing" tal:omit-tag="">
    <!-- initialize explicitly here -->
  this is jus fancy. gimme a soln .i'm freaked out.
thanks again.

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 Hong Yuan wrote :
>The request.form variable is set either through input fields in
>an HTML form or parameters in the URL. Normally you don't have 
>set it explicitly in your ZTP template.
>Do you have a field named 'districtname' in your form? If yes 
>if the 'action' attribute of the form points to your page
>template, then the 'districtname' variable should be available.
>You can check what varialbes are in the request.form by writing 
>test template, like test.pt, with the content:
><p tal:content="structure request" />
>and then point the 'action' attribute of your form to 'test'. 
>'districtname' is not there, then maybe you should check your
>HTML code.

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