[Zope] Sending mail with attachments via Python

David H bluepaul at earthlink.net
Tue May 3 19:28:15 EDT 2005

Kirk Strauser wrote:

>On Tuesday 03 May 2005 15:30, J Cameron Cooper wrote:
>>Look at the Python 'email' package:
>>You'll need to use External Methods to use this module, or allow access
>>to it so that you can use Python Scripts.
>That's what I was afraid of.  I love Zope and Python (and am getting ready 
>to write a magazine article about the two) but jumping through Pythonic 
>hoops to do stuff that would be easy in DTML drives me nuts.
>Thanks for the pointer, though.  I'd stumbled across that earlier, but had 
>kept looking in search of something easier.
Here is some to send email + attachement.  I used it to send PDFs.  Use 
it as a guide if you choose the external python method option. 
I think MimeWriter makes it easier.

Best luck,

<code snippets>
import sys, smtplib, MimeWriter, base64, StringIO, os, string, time

<essential code>
         message = StringIO.StringIO()
         writer = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(message)
         writer.addheader('MIME-Version', '1.0')
         writer.addheader('Subject', 'Purchase Approved')
         writer.addheader('To', 'somebody at where.com' )
         # get ready to send attachment
         # start off with a text/plain part
         part = writer.nextpart()
         body = part.startbody('text/plain')
         body.write('Services Inc.\n')
         body.write('Office Transaction notice\n')
         body.write('Order: ' + itemNumber + '\n')
         body.write('  Authorized by: ' + userID + ' ' + datetime + '\n')
         body.write('  Amount:   ' + amount + '\n')

         body.write('\nSee attached')
         # ............................
         # add PDF attachment
         # ............................
         part = writer.nextpart()
         part.addheader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64')
         body = part.startbody('application/pdf; name=%s' % attachment)
         # pdf file
         body.write(base64.encodestring( pdf ))
         # finish off

         # ..................................................
         # send the mail
         # . if user supplied userid/password then deal w/it
         # ..................................................
         smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.MailHost.smtp_host)
         if self.MailHost.smtp_userid:
            smtp_userid64 = base64.encodestring(self.MailHost.smtp_userid)
            smtp.docmd("auth", "login " + smtp_userid64[:-1])
            if self.MailHost.smtp_pass:
               smtp_pass64 = base64.encodestring( self.MailHost.smtp_pass)
         #smtp.sendmail( from address, to address, message body)
         smtp.sendmail('Acme at Acme.com', 'somebody at somewhere.com', 
</end essential code>

Good luck,
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