[Zope] setPermissionDefault not setting anything

Sascha Welter zopelist at betabug.ch
Tue May 17 07:30:29 EDT 2005


In a python product I'm trying to set default permissions. Same as in 
http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/275 nothing is set at all, no error
is raised, no error message is logged.

This is on Zope 2.7.5. I'm basically using this code in my product:

view = "View"
edit = "Change Images and Files"
manage = "View management screens"

class CompanyService( CatalogPathAware, ObjectManager, PropertyManager,
SimpleItem ):
    def __init__( ...snip...

    security.declareProtected( view, 'index_html' )
    def index_html( REQUEST ):
        return "ping"

Globals.InitializeClass( CompanyService )

I searched for this on the web and found only old references to 2.5.X
and Collector Issue 275. So I tryed out the Test Class from that issue
and I get the same results. 

Am I doing something completely wrong? 

Is something wrong with my setup? I could upgrade to 2.7.6 too, but I 
don't see any changes in the code for SecurityInfo.py from the zope CVS
(unless of course I look in the wrong place:

I would be really happy to learn what I am doing wrong. Please don't
tell me that I discovered a bug, I don't want to.



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