[Zope] Using LocalFs in a form embedded in our application

Simon ALEXANDRE simon.alexandre at cetic.be
Wed May 25 11:54:59 EDT 2005



We are developing a web based application using Zope as webserver.


One of our expected features consists in uploading a zip file on the server
and after that to unzip it.


Our pages are designed using zpt.


I would like to include in one of my pages a simple form allowing to select
a file in the client machine and to upload it on the server (in a dedicated
directory, not in the zope DB).


I have installed LocalFS.


I try with a form like that in my code (copy/paste from the source code
provided by localFS in zope): 


<form action="manage_upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <input type="file" name="file" size="25"/>
        <input class="form-element" type="submit" value="Add"/>
But nothing happen when I clic on the 'add' button. No upload, no error.
NB: this form is encapsulated in a macro (already encapsulated in a form),
is it the cause of the problem?
Someone have an idea??
Thanks in advance
Here is the source code of the macro which encapsulates the form:


<tr metal:define-macro="Macro_ImportFileSystem">

    <td colspan=5>

      <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" align="center">

        <tr height="10px"><td/></tr>


          <td align="center">

             <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="350px" align="center"

                    tal:define="paths here/GetCurrentFolderContent">

               <tr><td colspan=3>Files and/or folders to import<img

               <tr height="3px"><td colspan=3/></tr>

               <tr height="1px" bgcolor="#CCFF60"><td colspan=3/></tr>

               <tr height="25px">

                 <td colspan=3>

                   <input type="image" src="Images/ParentFolder"


0;background-color:#FFFFFF;width: auto;height: auto"

(session['projectCurrentFolder'] not in ('/', '\\')) and (session['user'] !=

                   &nbsp;You are in <span
tal:replace="session/projectCurrentFolder">Current dir</span>





               <!-- Start Form File Upload-->


                                      <form action="manage_upload"
method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                               <input type="file" name="file" size="25"/>
                               <input class="form-element" type="submit"



               <!-- End Form File Upload-->



                                      <tr tal:repeat="path paths">

                 <span tal:define="rowBgColor
python:here.Shared.GetInfo('rowColor', paths.index(path))">

                 <td tal:define="pathType python: here.GetPathType(path[0])"

                     tal:condition="python: session['user'] != 'anon'">

                   <input type="image"

0;background-color:#FFFFFF;width: auto;height: auto"

                          tal:condition="python: pathType == 'Folder'"

                          tal:attributes="src python: 'Images/%s' %

                                          name python: 'gui_OnChdir_%s' %

                   <img tal:condition="python: pathType != 'Folder'"
tal:attributes="src python:'Images/%s' % pathType"/>


                 <td tal:attributes="bgcolor rowBgColor">

                   <input type="checkbox"

                          tal:attributes="style python:'border-width:
0;;background-color:%s' % here.Shared.GetInfo('rowColor',


                                          name  python:'cbfc_'+path[0];

                                          disabled python:session['user'] ==


                 <td tal:attributes="bgcolor rowBgColor"

                     tal:condition="python: path[1]" tal:content="python:
path[0]" width="100%">


                 <td tal:attributes="bgcolor rowBgColor"

                     tal:condition="python: not path[1]"
tal:content="python: path[0] + ' [removed]' " width="100%">




               <tr tal:condition="not: paths">

                 <td colspan=3><i>The folder is empty.</i>



               <tr height="3px"><td colspan=3/></tr>

               <tr height="1px" bgcolor="#CCFF60"><td colspan=3/></tr>

               <tr tal:condition="python: session['mode'] == 'Update'">

                 <td colspan=3 align="right">Do not update files and

                   <input type="checkbox" name="pjIgnorePaths"
style="border-width: 0;background-color:#FFFFFF"


                                          disabled python:session['user'] ==













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