[Zope] Finding an object in a folder

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Thu May 26 17:52:36 EDT 2005

Chris Withers wrote at 2005-5-25 21:03 +0100:
> ...
>> I strongly argue against it. Fix "hasattr" in the Zope context,
>> instead!
>Make it so! :-)

      _marker = []
      def hasattr(obj, attr, marker):
	  a = getattr(obj, attr, _marker)
	  return a is not _marker

      import __builtin__
      __builtin__.hasattr = hasattr

Easy enough, isn't it?

Way easier than to change "hasattr" anywhere it is now used.

Now, there need only to be someone who checks it in.

>>>if getattr(thefolder.aq_inner.aq_explicit,the_id,None):
>> You are aware that this is in general *NOT* an emulation
>> of "hasattr".
>I didn't say it was ;-)
>> It may fail e.g. for properties.
>How would it fail for properties?

It fails for everything with a false value (None, 0, '', [], ...).
Properties may have a false value.

>> And it would be so easy to fix "hasattr" ;-)
>then why haven't you done it? ;-)

I do not have write access to the Zope repository
(because ZC requires full patent indemnification to grant it
and I am unwilling to promise this).


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