[Zope] XML Content handling questions.

Nikko Wolf nikko-wolf at earthlink.net
Fri May 27 16:53:40 EDT 2005

Three questions, in order of importance (to me):

1) Is it possible to validate an (uploaded) XML file against a schema
   (currently on the Zope server)?
    What, if any, extra packages are needed?    I want to use this in my
    upload forms to alert the user if their files are invalid.

2) I also need to serve up web-based forms and allow the user to create
    XML content based on a user-selected schema.  Something
    like what Chiba (http://chiba.sf.net/) is targeting.   Of course,
    though, that isn't a Python/Zope solution.  Has anyone seen anything
    that works?  At this point, installing Tomcat and Chiba is what I
    presume I'll be doing in a couple of weeks....

3) Is there a function built-in to Zope that allows merging XML files?
    (ie: all the <abc> within a list of user-selected files).
    I've got an Extension that works correctly (using the Amara/4Suite
    packages), so an answer here is mostly for me to learn Zope better.


PS: I'm pretty new to Python & Zope, but not web servers or other

    Fedora Core 3
    Python 2.3.4
    Zope 2.7.6-final
    Plone 2.0.5
    4Suite 1.0b1
    Amara 1.0b2

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