"zope.app.application.HTTPPublicationRequestFactory" interprets "text/xml" requests as XML-RPC (was: [Zope] Hard-coded "Content-type:text/xml" as xmlrpc in Zope (2.8.1))

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Tue Nov 22 14:37:16 EST 2005

John Ziniti wrote at 2005-11-21 15:04 -0500:
> ...
>Zope-2.8.1 now additionally has the zope.app.publication.
>HTTPPublicationRequestFactory class, which also assumes
>that "text/xml" means xmlrpc (in fact, it assumes that
>anything that startswith('text/xml') is an xmlrpc call).

"zope.app" is part of Zope 3.

You should complain about this misfeature on "zope3-dev at zope.org".
Definitely, there should not be a fixed (not configurable)
association between "text/xml" requests and "XML-RPC"
as "text/xml" can be interesting for the application and
for SOAP.

>Not fixing old code which acts in strange hard-coded ways is
>something I understand, but adding new code that also
>acts that way seems like it is getting further away
>from "good" :)


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