benmania at web.de benmania at web.de
Wed Oct 5 11:09:45 EDT 2005


I tried to install ZOPE from sources via "configure - make - make instance" but unfortunately I always get the following error message when typing in the "make" command. 

> > command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 
> > -basherror:: command not found 

In my last message, I assumed that gcc was not installed. I derived this assumption from the error message 

The weird thing is that whenever I type in the command 'gcc'. There is always the following error message: 
'No input files found'

I am wondering why: If gcc was not installed, there should be an error message that is similar to 'command not found'. 
The output 'No input files found' implies that - in my opinion - gcc is actually installed. 

What do you think of that? 

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