[Zope] __getitem__ and returning a PageTemplateFile instance

Anders Bruun Olsen anders at bruun-olsen.net
Fri Oct 14 05:53:51 EDT 2005


I am trying to make a product where-in I want to be able to return a
page based on the url, think something like /product/username
which would return a page with the users details.
For this purpose I am using __getitem__, but when I return a
PageTemplateFile instance it just tells me it has encountered a problem
publishing the object.


class TestProd(SimpleItem):
    """A TestProd object"""
    meta_type = "TestProd"
    manage_options = (  {"label": "Edit", "action": "manage_main"},
                        {"label": "View", "action": "index_html"})

    manage_main = PageTemplateFile("templates/mainTestProd", globals())
    index_html = PageTemplateFile("templates/indexTestProd", globals())
    userdetails = PageTemplateFile("templates/userdetails", globals())

    def __init__(self, id, title):
        self.id = id
        self.title = title

    def __getitem__(self, id):
        # Does not work!
        results = fetch_userdata_from_db(id)
        return self.userdetails(self, self.REQUEST, results=results)

    def test(self, username):
        # Works, but uses /product/test?username=username
        results = fetch_userdata_from_db(username)
        return self.userdetails(self, self.REQUEST, results=results)

I have tried with everything I can think of to debug this, but have so
far failed. What am I doing wrong here?

Please note that I have also tried with static data, that is returning
self.userdata(self, self.REQUEST, results="some data")

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