[Zope] [OT] ParsedXML dev mail list

Garito garito at sistes.net
Sun Oct 23 10:43:43 EDT 2005

Fred Drake escribió:

>On 10/21/05, Chris Withers <chris at simplistix.co.uk> wrote:
>>Garito wrote:
>>>Sorry for the off topic but I try to subscribe to ParsedXML dev mail
>>>list but I can't (mail list doesn't exists)
>>Doesn't look like it. Is ParsedXML an Infrae or a Zope Corp product?
>>You could always try asking about your problem on this list...
>It was originally a Zope Corp product, and still lives in the zope.org
>CVS.  I don't think anyone here is currently using it for anything,
>There is a zope-xml list that came into existance back when we were
>developing that, but its been nothing but spambait for the past couple
>of years.  It should probably be retired.
>  -Fred
>Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at gmail.com>
>"Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless." --B.F. Skinner

My question is:

How can I create a ElementAttributePath class?

In ElementIdPath I see how ParsedXML transform 
http://server:port/XmlObject/0/1/2 into a path to DOM but I need the 
same behaviour but with another attributes

How can I make these?


Mis Cosas

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