[Zope] Permissions and Instances of ZClasses

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Thu Oct 27 12:50:32 EDT 2005

Dave Case wrote:
> I'm trying to build a  product through the  ZMI (like the example in
> The Zope Book), 

For the love of god, please don't ;-)

> I have some DTML methods 


> in a ZClass 

ow, ow, stop hurting me...

> were I want to be
> able to do a SecurityCheckPermission() on a permission that I have
> defined in the containing product.  


> The call to SecurityCheckPermission() looks like this...
> <dtml-if expr="_.SecurityCheckPermission('Manage Diary',this())">


> I'm thinking maybe I'm calling SecurityCheckPermission in the wrong
> context?  Making a product certainly can be confusing at times.  :)

Yes, don't do it, at least not like this. Look at building a filesystem 
absed prdocut which is marginally saner...


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