[Zope] Can't get ZEO running with zeoctl start

Mikko Koivunen mikko.koivunen at deltamarin.com
Thu Sep 8 06:00:51 EDT 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> From: zope-bounces at zope.org [mailto:zope-bounces at zope.org]On Behalf Of
> Jens Vagelpohl
> Sent: 8. syyskuuta 2005 12:21
> To: Zope user list
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Can't get ZEO running with zeoctl start

> > Chowning the full zeo/ tree to zope:zope indeed did the trick.
> > I was hesitant to do that because the tutorials I read suggested to  
> > only
> > chown the log/ and var/ dirs to user zope. But it works now. Thanks!
> What tutorials are those? I wouldn't mind auditing those.

Actually should have said tutorial, because only one I used has wrong

These two were my references:

- Zope book, neither the 2.6 or the 2.7 dev version, does not mention 
permissions at all. This actually applies to most of the documentation
I find on zope.org or google.

- The plone.org robust installation tutorial apparenly has wrong info:

The latter one is the tutorial I mainly used because it fits my scenario

I get the feeling people do zope installation / configuration stuff 
as the zope user and thus don't have this problem. I have the habit of 
working as root or my own user account, then setting permissions and 
then using user accounts like zope or apache only for starting services. 
Maybe I just need change my habits.

Mikko Koivunen

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