[Zope] Membership website

Robert Boyd robert.h.boyd at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 08:41:08 EDT 2005

On 9/21/05, Javier Godinez <godinezj at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to decide how to go about building site where users can signup
> for an account by confirming their email address. They will also have
> profiles and a rating system.
> If anyone can direct me where to start, I will really appreciate it, the
> tutorials where really basic and didnt get into the details of sending
> emails or how to keep a user database with encrypted passwords to
> authenticate users.
> Javier,

Take a look at the CMF or CMF-based products like Plone (http://plone.org)
or CPS (http://www.cps-project.org/). CMF is linked directly from the main
Zope.org <http://Zope.org> site. Included is membership signup, you can
encrypt passwords in the Zope ZODB database by using the supplied acl_users
folder or use any of a variety of user datastores. They all provide a lot
more than just membership signup and form-based logon.

Non-modified CMF / Plone etc do have member signup and member profiles, but
not member confirmation or the concept of a member requiring higher approval
before their registration becomes a 'real' member. I believe the CMFMember
product provides this, but I've never tried it and wrote my own solutions
long ago. I don't know about a rating system product.

Have you looked at the Plone how-to's? They often are helpful even if you
aren't specifically building a Plone site.

Good luck,
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