[Zope] Summary variables is removed in version 2.9?

Erik Myllymaki erik.myllymaki at aviawest.com
Wed Apr 12 01:35:35 EDT 2006

I just upgraded a site from 2.8(Linux) to 2.9.2(windows) and I have had no 
problem like that.


<td align="right" class=strong-total> <dtml-var total-Sales>  </td>
<td align="right" class=strong-total> <dtml-var total-Items>  </td>
<td align="right" class=strong-total> <dtml-var total-SUB_TOTAL fmt="%.2f">  </td>
<td align="right" class=strong-total> <dtml-var total-GST fmt="%.2f">  </td>
<td align="right" class=strong-total> <dtml-var total-PST fmt="%.2f">  </td>
<td align="right" class=strong-total> <dtml-var total-TOTAL fmt="%.2f">  </td>
<td align="right" class=strong-total> <dtml-var total-COST_TTL fmt="%.2f">  </td>

Infor Gates wrote:
> Dear Zopist
> I have upgraded my Zope 2.8.x to Zope 2.9.0.  I have used the <dtml-in> sequence which uses the summary variables (e.g. total-count). It works well in 2.8.  However, when I ported the same <dmtl-in> sequence, the summary variables are not shown.  There is no error message too.
> I have checked the documentation (in Zope Help) and others, but there is no hint of the above.
> Have anyone have similar experiences?
> Thank you for your time.
> CY
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