[Zope] ordinal not in range error in StringIO.py

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Tue Apr 25 03:28:09 EDT 2006

--On 25. April 2006 10:25:45 +0300 Roman Susi <rnd at onego.ru> wrote:

> hi!
> My code produces the following traceback
> >
> when frontpage is published. I have analysed self.buflist and it seems
> that unicode strings are mixed with usual strings. Unicode strings come
> from .mo file.
> So, the question is why ZPublisher doesnt coerce different string before
> serving and what can I do in this situation?
> .po file has utf8 encoding. Publisher encoding is utf8.

The basic problem is that your are mixing somewhere unicode with 
non-unicode string in your code. Try to isolate the related part in your 
code and fix it. Either use unicode strings everywhere or use strings with 
the *same*
encoding. Don't mix things.


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