[Zope] Zope 2.9 Product Refreshing

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Mon Aug 7 08:25:30 EDT 2006

--On 7. August 2006 22:08:04 +1000 James Davies <zope-list at foomatic.net> 

> On 8/7/06, Andreas Jung <lists at zopyx.com> wrote:
>> Refreshing was always a hack and never something I would call a feature.
>> It was always a hack for *development* purposes but not for production.
> Yes, but it's still very handy and many people have come to rely on it.
> You might blame Plone for shipping for three tons of frameworks?
> I'd agree with you there- theres a little too much bloat, but theres not
> much that can be done about it at this point without a major architecture
> update.

As Reinoud pointed out: you might think about your architecture and use 
multiple ZEO clients + load balancing.

> I understand and fully agree with you but things are as they are. Even
>> worser....Refresh does not work Five...
> How come? Is there a major technical reason why it CANT work, or is it
> something thats just broken and needs fixing. I'm happy to do the fixing
> if
> it comes to that, I just need someone to point me in the right direction.
> Refresh only works in debug-mode. You want to tell us that you are running
>> a production site in debug-mode?
> No. I've never had a problem refreshing in production mode.... ?

Afaik Refresh is not available when running in debug-mode...

> As above- is this a major technical problem with Zope 2.9 or Five, or just
> something that no-one is really bothered to fix?

Everything is a technical problem :-) E.g. Zope 3 browser views (except 
page templates) can not be refreshed..so you have at least one Zope 3 

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