[Zope] mysql socket problem, MOSX 10.4.7

baiewola baiewola at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 9 08:16:50 EDT 2006

Yesterday I finally updated my MOSX Server 10.4.6 to 10.4.7. In
addition to usual list of 
hosed configuration files and scripts, we now have a problem with Zope
2.7.x connecting to MySQL through a unix socket.

We can connect with PHP apps, Filemaker Pro, and MySQL client. However,
all Z MySQL database connections are broken. Here is the error:
OperationalError: (2002, "Can't connect to local MySQL server through
socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)")

After googling and reading this article
I think the problem is that the socket file is supposed to be at
/tmp/mysql.sock but it's not there. How does it get there? Can I copy
it one from another (working) server and put it in that folder? It
isn't present on my backup drive (which was supposed to be a complete
bootable backup of the drive before the upgrade), so I don't know how
we ever used the unix socket file - but we did!

Thanks in advance!

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