POUND AND ZOPE HELL!!! was: Re: [Zope] Can't Find This Bug!

beno - purabachata at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 16 10:34:26 EDT 2006

To summarize, I'm newly using Pound as a reverse-proxy for Zope. I'm using VHM mapping to pass the requests to the appropriate folders in Zope. I have some clients who can't see their sites, but I and many others can. They get this message: "Zope \n Welcome to Web.vi" which is my site (web.vi). I can see the sites just fine. And I can't find a bug anywhere!!!

jens wrote:

>> "Posted with no comments"?? You can read, can you? This is now the third time (read: 3) that I'm telling 
>> you that these entries are not errors. NotFound (or 404) is completely normal. Stop looking at them! 

Okay, okay, BUT JENS... It's been over a WEEK that my client can't see her site AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!! 
Here's what I'm doing:
* Checking the error log for messages. The only ones I get are the ones you say are normal (even with those brackets "[" and "]", right?)
* Checking the Z2.log and find nothing amiss.
* What else should I check?
I'm desperate! Please understand!!
Here are examples (to which Jens complains) from Z2.log of client sites that apparently don't render for many people trying to hit them, but these examples look perfectly normal to me: - Anonymous [16/Aug/2006:00:27:36 +0000] "GET /800/s/c/x/en-us/EMarket/Our_Store/marketItems/fetchPhotoThumb?s
ku=F-0400 HTTP/1.1" 200 24163 "http://blackbeardale.com/800/s/c/x/en-us/EMarket/Our_Store/Main_frame.pt?category=foxys_lager"
 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)" - Anonymous [16/Aug/2006:00:27:36 +0000] "GET /800/s/c/x/en-us/EMarket/Our_Store/marketItems/fetchPhotoThumb?s
ku=F-0450 HTTP/1.1" 200 12894 "http://blackbeardale.com/800/s/c/x/en-us/EMarket/Our_Store/Main_frame.pt?category=foxys_lager"
 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)" - Anonymous [16/Aug/2006:00:27:37 +0000] "GET /800/s/c/x/en-us/EMarket/Our_Store/marketItems/fetchPhotoThumb?s
ku=F-0480 HTTP/1.1" 200 37165 "http://blackbeardale.com/800/s/c/x/en-us/EMarket/Our_Store/Main_frame.pt?category=foxys_lager"
 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)" - Anonymous [16/Aug/2006:00:27:37 +0000] "GET /800/s/c/x/en-us/EMarket/Our_Store/marketItems/fetchPhotoThumb?s
ku=F-0500 HTTP/1.1" 200 15901 "http://blackbeardale.com/800/s/c/x/en-us/EMarket/Our_Store/Main_frame.pt?category=foxys_lager"
 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)"

>> To be honest, looking at the insane JavaScript stuff that you invoke several times over before even 
>> showing any content I am surprised anyone can view the site. You should ditch all the useless code 
>> that tries several times over to guess screen sizes. If you actually paid someone to write that steaming 
>> pile of JavaScript you need to get a lawyer. 
Sorry you don't like my JS, Jens. I'm happy with it. But I thought perhaps it might be somehow interfere with the rendering of the site for the client, even though it hadn't before I went to Pound. So I replaced it with a bare-bones DTML page for the index_html and it still didn't render for the client.

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