POUND AND ZOPE HELL!!! was: Re: [Zope] Can't Find This Bug!

Andrew Langmead alangmead at boston.com
Wed Aug 16 11:19:41 EDT 2006

On Aug 16, 2006, at 11:13 AM, Jonathan wrote:
> Another idea is to have your client install ieHTTPHeaders (or  
> equivalent for non-IE browsers) in their web browser and then send  
> you the http header info that they are seeing.

The Mozilla equivalent is LiveHTTPHeaders <http:// 

Also, Shane Hathaway's tcpwatch <http://hathawaymix.org/Software/ 
TCPWatch> is another option and can be used with any browser that  
allows the user to set an HTTP proxy. (Which essentially means  
supported by any browser.)

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