[Zope] Re: asp in zope

Hans Then h.then at pythea.nl
Mon Aug 28 12:47:13 EDT 2006

On 8/23/06, Siddharth Sethi <Siddharth.Sethi at whg.com> wrote:
> Hi, hopefully someone can help me out, I have a html form that calls an
> file stored in the root of my plone site. When i click on the submit
> which calls this asp file, it returns back the asp file in text format on
> ie. Is there a plugin that i need to get in order to have asp run in zope?

As far as I know there is no plugin for serving ASP pages from zope. If you
know anything of ASP, you could try to rewrite the ASP page in the zope page
templating language TAL. That is usually not too difficult. Or ask someone
to do it for you :)

Hans Then

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