[Zope] Return code for Authentication error

Sébastien VINOT sebastien.vinot at logisphere.fr
Sat Dec 9 05:56:39 EST 2006


I try some tests with my zope (2.9.4-final on Debian) and Python about 
accessing private pages.

I'm using the examples on page 
http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/authentication.shtml with 
the HTTPBasicAuthentication. Unfortunately that does not work.

I set the View Permission to "Member" to one page. Of course I cannot 
access it if I'm not authenticated. I use the code below (extracted from 
the URL I gave above) but I only receive the "Please login page".
How can I do ?

The code :

import urllib2

theurl = 'www.someserver.com/toplevelurl/somepage.htm'
protocol = 'http://'
username = 'johnny'
password = 'XXXXXX'
# a great password

passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
# this creates a password manager
passman.add_password(None, theurl, username, password)
# because we have put None at the start it will always
# use this username/password combination for  urls
# for which `theurl` is a super-url

authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
# create the AuthHandler

opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)

# All calls to urllib2.urlopen will now use our handler
# Make sure not to include the protocol in with the URL, or
# HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm will be very confused.
# You must (of course) use it when fetching the page though.

pagehandle = urllib2.urlopen(protocol + theurl)
# authentication is now handled automatically for us

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