[Zope] Get a reference to the latest transaction

Jonathan dev101 at magma.ca
Tue Dec 12 10:03:54 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Bengtsson" <peter at fry-it.com>
To: "Zope Generic List" <zope at zope.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:51 AM
Subject: [Zope] Get a reference to the latest transaction

> Is it possible? If so, how do I get a reference to the last/current
> transaction that just happened within a method?
> Pseudo code:
> class MyFolder(Folder):
>    def manage_afterAdd(self):
>           self.image_count = 0
>    def addImage(self, imgdata, REQUEST):
>           self.manage_addImage('someid', file=imgdata)
>           self.image_count = self.image_count + 1
>           url = self.absolute_url() + '?transactionid=%s' %
> get_transaction().getId()
>           REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(url)
> If I had that, I could then do the following in my template:
> <div tal:condition="request/transactionid|nothing">
> Image uploaded.
> <a tal:attributes="href
> string:undoTransaction?transactionid=${request/transactionid}"
> >Undo</a>
> </div>
> Is it possible?

You could have a look at manage_UndoForm and see how it gets the transaction 


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