[Zope] Zope 2.9.5 -> 2.9.6 DateTime Change

Brian Brinegar brinegar at ecn.purdue.edu
Thu Dec 14 15:49:26 EST 2006

Today I started testing Zope 2.9.6. After the upgrade I noticed that
some calendar data generated from Oracle was wrong. After some
investigation I found that Zope 2.9.6 seems to assign a timezone of
GMT+0 when none is specified rather than using the server's timezone.

For example, the following SQL query to an oracle database:

select TO_DATE('12-13-2006 01:00','MM-DD-YYYY HH:MI') from dual

Under 2.9.5 returns:

 2006/12/13 01:00:00 US/Eastern

Under 2.9.6 returns:

 2006/12/13 01:00:00 GMT+0

There was clearly no time zone defined in the query, and it's the same
Oracle server.

Is this an intended change? We have hundreds of developers working
independently within our system so it's not possible to adapt each
application to account for this change.

Any advice on moving to Zope 2.9.6? In the mean time I my try to back
port specific bug fixes into 2.9.5.

Thank you,
Brian Brinegar
Web Systems Developer
Engineering Computer Network

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