[Zope] Zope=ZEO connection
Dennis Allison
allison at shasta.stanford.edu
Tue Feb 7 21:18:49 EST 2006
Zope 2.9.0
Python 2.4.2
Amd dual Opteron
I am seeing occasional (several per day) Zope crashes under load. The
event.log immediately before and after the crash looks like:
2006-02-06T14:07:20 INFO ZPublisher.Conflict ConflictError at
<some path>:
database conflict error (oid 0x086e, class BTrees._OOBTree.OOBTree, serial
this txn started with 0x03633ca95f75e900 2006-02-06 22:01:22.373575,
serial currently committed 0x03633caf59114244 2006-02-06 22:07:20.875176)
(463 conflicts (0 unresolved) since startup at Mon Feb 6 08:21:26 2006)
2006-02-06T14:09:09 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Mon Feb 6
14:09:09 2006
Hostname: x-harper
Port: 8081
which also triggers a connection drop and restarBt of ZEO.
The failure happens silently even with
level ALL
path $INSTANCE/log/event.log
level info
When this happens zope is running under zopectl and zeo isi running under
What sort of Zope failure can cause this sort of behavior? What's the
best approach to get more information to localize the failure.
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