[Zope] context in fs product

Andrew Milton akm at theinternet.com.au
Mon Feb 20 04:46:45 EST 2006

+-------[ Roman Klesel ]----------------------
| Lennart Regebro schrieb:
|  > It's usually called "self"...

I missed the start of this thread...

| hmmm ... strange ...
| in a class:
| class Controller(Implicit,ObjectManager, SimpleItem):
| 	"""asfd"""
| I have a method:
| def testspace(self,REQUEST=None):
|    """tests"""
|    req = self.absolute_url(self)
|    return req


You shouldn't need to pass self in.

| and on whatever URL I call it , it returns the base URL of the product instance ...
| All classes in the product subclass form Acquisition.Implicit. What am I missing here?
| Thanks so far!

Is it set inside the ZODB yet?

Andrew Milton
akm at theinternet.com.au

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