[Zope] CPU architecture and Zope

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Tue Jan 10 23:07:53 EST 2006

--On 10. Januar 2006 22:56:17 -0500 Jeff Donsbach <jeff.donsbach at gmail.com> 

> On 1/10/06, Andreas Jung <lists at andreas-jung.com> wrote:
>> A single Python process also a multi-threaded Python application can
>> never run on multiple CPUs.
> I believe that is an overly broad statement, not necessarily true in
> all cases. It really depends on the operating system's thread library
> that Python implements it's thread module on top of (as documented at
> http://docs.python.org/lib/module-thread.html) and how that system
> threading package schedules threads on the available CPUs. The real
> answer is "maybe; it depends".

As long as Python uses the GIL (global interpreter lock) Python will never 
take care of multiple CPU/cores.

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