[Zope] five i18n

Jürgen Herrmann Juergen.Herrmann at XLhost.de
Wed Jan 18 08:24:29 EST 2006

does the zope/five/i18n machinery tell anything about it's startup
phase (finding message catalogs etc.) in the logs or while watching
runzope output? i don't see anything here, and still didn't get it to

- what are the preconditions to get it working? i use plain zope page
templates (no cmf/plone or cps)...
- how can i set the target language for the translation in the zpt?
- my configure.zcml:
    <i18n:registerTranslations directory="locales" />
  (must get parsed, because zope doesnt start up if i put some crap in :)
- my subdir layout under the product dir for message catalogs:

- do i have to compile the .pos to .mos by hand? or is it done
automatically like PTS did?

must be missing something...

thanks in advance for your answers!
regards, juergen

On Tue, January 17, 2006 17:45, Lennart Regebro wrote:
> On 1/17/06, Jürgen Herrmann <Juergen.Herrmann at xlhost.de> wrote:
>> hi all!
>> does anybody have a five product that uses i18n that i can have a look
>> at?
>> i don't seem to get it right...
> Yeah, the CalZope trunk does it:
> http://svn.nuxeo.org/trac/pub/browser/CalZope/trunk/
> --
> Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo     http://www.nuxeo.com/
> CPS Content Management     http://www.cps-project.org/
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Jürgen Herrmann
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