[Zope] Newbee interfaces and implementations

Roman Klesel roman_plonemail at lotuseyes.de
Thu Jan 19 02:36:02 EST 2006

bruno modulix schrieb:
>> So you recommend that I should just skip them as long as I'm on Zope2?
> Short answer :  yes. Unless you plan to switch to Zope3 really soon, but
> then, I'd recommand that you skip Zope 2.x !-)

No, I'll be with Zope2 for a while. I'm running an Plone site too and dont't
have the memory to run a second Zope3 instance.

I think my question is answered and I'm a little less confused now. :-)

When I heard the word "interface" I thought of something like a network interface,
which is the communication gateway to the entire machine if you address it from network:

- you physically connect it to the network by plugging a cable into the NIC
- you address it by calling an address which is assigned to the NIC.

actually all other devices on the network only see the target machine as a network interface
and don't know what kind of system it is plugged into until the methods the interface provides
trigger routines that reveal more information.

So, now I understand that interfaces in a the Zope2 context have some different meaning.

Maybe I should understand them as "pseudo interfaces".


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