[Zope] SSL over Multiple Zope/Plone sites?

Tino Wildenhain tino at wildenhain.de
Tue Jan 24 11:02:25 EST 2006

michael nt milne schrieb:
> Ok, thanks. The annoying thing is that I am renting a virtual dedicated 
> server which allows multiple domain names obviously but not multiple IP 
> addresses. Or it probably costs more for that. Do you reckon SSL will 
> ever be available for virtual single IP based hosts?

Well to really puzzle you, ssl can work with more then one certificate
per IP - but not https (http-ssl). You can work with all protocols
(SMTP, IMAP, ...) which support start-tls.

However this does not help with your current project and was just a
sidenote to be complete.


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