[Zope] page templates and "python:"

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Mon Jul 3 09:38:05 EDT 2006

--On 3. Juli 2006 15:38:58 +0200 Claudio Battaglino 
<c.battaglino at metaware.it> wrote:

> Jens Vagelpohl ha scritto:
> Could it be that, using a Python expression, I have an overhead because
> Zope loads a Python interpreter each time it finds a "python:"?
> If this is true then it is better to use path expression, if possible.

nah....Python expression are executed in a sandbox (RestrictedPython) which 
will introduce additional overhead..but let numbers speak...write a loop in 
TAL and compare the performance of path expressions vs. python 
expressions... don't guess, but measure...

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