[Zope] Override members values

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Mon Jul 10 02:52:32 EDT 2006

--On 10. Juli 2006 08:38:15 +0200 Garito <garito at sistes.net> wrote:

> Hi all!
> I need to override the value of some members of my product
> I think the correct way was __getattr__ function but I read some list's
> messages telling to use __getattr__ only if you don't have other way

The standard Zope users objects don't provide an API for additional 
attributes. CMF/Plone provide such support through portal_memberdata.

> How can I override only the value of some dynamic members
> I call dynamic members to the members that the user adds (with a property
> or an object)

What are dynamic members? This is not a term used in the Zope world.

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