[Zope] accessing object from a list constructed in __init__.py

kevin7kal plone at kevinkal.com
Sun Jul 23 10:36:30 EDT 2006

I've changed my code a bit, adding the docstring, Persistent to all 
classes and
__allow_access_to_unprotected_attributes__ = 1 to all classes.  Still, I 
recieve the same error.

I have changed the code so _attribute1a is a single instance of class1 
instead of a list of  containing multiple instances of class1 and I can 
access the attributes of the object without issue.
Are the objects automatically unwrapped when added to a list?  is there 
a way around this?
I can send the code again if need be.

so here is the code again, this time with only the single object in 
import Acquisition
from persistent import Persistent

class class1(Acquisition.Explicit,Persistent):
    ''' a simple class with some attributes and methods'''
    __allow_access_to_unprotected_attributes__ = 1
    attribute1 = 'attribute 1'
    attribute2 = 'attribute 2'
    _number = ''
    def __init__(self,number2):
        '''simple init for the class'''
    def method1(self):
        '''return a string methd1'''
        mthd1 =  'methd1'
        return mthd1
    def method2(self):
        ''' return a string methd2'''
        mthd2 = 'method2'
        return mthd2
    def _get_number(self):
        return self._number
    number = property(fget=_get_number)
class class2(Acquisition.Explicit,Persistent):
    ''' a second simple class with some attributes and methods'''
    __allow_access_to_unprotected_attributes__ = 1
    _attribute1a = []
    attribute2a = []
    def __init__(self):
        '''create a list of class1 objects in attribute1a'''
        #while i < 5:
        #    obj = class1(i)
        #    self._attribute1a.append(obj)
        #    i=i+1
        self._attribute1a = class1(5)
    def method1a(self):
        '''instantiate class1 as object and return object usable by zope'''
        obj = class1(5)
        return obj.__of__(self)
    def method2a(self):
        '''returns class1.method1()'''
        c1m1 = class1.method1()
        return c1m1
    def get_attribute1a(self):
        #if self._attribute1a != []:
            #i = len(self._attribute1a)
            #j = 0
            #while j != i-1:
            #    self._attribute1a[j] = self._attribute1a[j].__of__(self)
            #    j = j+1
        obj = self._attribute1a
        return obj.__of__(self)
    attribute1a = property(fget=get_attribute1a)
    attribute1b = property(fget=method1a)
    attribute2b = property(fget=method2a)

Alexis Roda wrote:
> En/na kevin7kal ha escrit:
>> Ok, thank you for that.
>> I can create the list of objects from the __of__(self) attribute 
>> without the wrapper error now,
>> but I still cannot access that attribute through zope.
>> Here is my code again, along with my zope content.
> Another thing I've missed, class1 isn't persistent, but you store 
> instances in Zclass2.attribute1a. This can explain the "can't pickle" 
> error.
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