[Zope] Can't nest dtml-in using prefix ...

David H bluepaul at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 28 17:53:44 EDT 2006

Jesper Steen Steffensen wrote:

> This won't work:
> <dtml-in qry_user_roles prefix="outer">
>   <dtml-in qry_roles>
>       <dtml-if expr="outer_role==role">
>         Roles are matching
>       </dtml-if>
>   </dtml-in>
> </dtml-in>
> I get an error that says key error - outer_role doesn't exist.
> It doesn't matter if I prefix the inner dtml-in as well. (I've read it 
> isn't necessary though)
> Why won't the prefix work for me?

Give more info.  Define qry_user_roles and qry_roles as part of your 

Why are you using DTML?  Its a *dying art*.  I can hardly look at it 
anymore :-)

DTML is depreciated in Zope (I think) and new people should go right to 
Page Templates and Python Scripts (Im sure).
Can you code this in a Python Script?


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