[Zope] prefix attribute in dtml-in

Sam Boggess sboggess at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 19:40:21 EDT 2006

Using Zope 2.8, I have two nested <dtml-in> tags that each loop  
through the results of different SQL methods.  I'm trying to use the  
prefix attribute to differentiate the two, but I can't get it to  
work.  Does anyone have any thoughts?

<dtml-in expr="getConsulting()" prefix="topic">
   <legend><dtml-var expr="sequence_var_fulltitle"> Sub Topics</legend>
     <dtml-in expr="getConsultingSub()" prefix="subtopic">
         <legend>Topic <dtml-var subtopic_displayorder>: <dtml-var  

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