[Zope] importing error

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Tue Mar 14 10:41:30 EST 2006

--On 14. März 2006 07:38:21 -0800 wavemaster2000 
<fernand3 at fas.harvard.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I had taken a class using zope last summer and had worked on a project, on
> completion of the class, I exported my project folder via the zmi
> interface. I have tried to load it on to my local zope instance and it
> does not import.
> I can import files into it with out a problem, but for some reason the
> folder does not import, I get a page can not be displayed error. I do not
> know whta products are missing if any, as fas as the Prof said, the only
> thing I needed way Mysql installed, which I have and I have linked it to
> zope.

If there is an error you should find additional information including a 
traceback in /error_log. You must provide these informations for getting 


   -   Andreas Jung            ZOPYX Ltd. & Co KG                        -
  -   E-mail: info at zopyx.com   Web: www.zopyx.com, www.zopyx.de         -
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