[Zope] verbose-security

Jeremy Cook jeremy.cook at bccs.uib.no
Wed Mar 29 04:11:15 EST 2006

Thanks for answering, however I think that the problem is simply that
verbose-security is not working. I have a new install of zope 2.8.6, I
make a folder, I make index_html, I change the security on this so that
it can only be read by manager. I go to error log and allow
'Unuathorized' to be logged, and then I try to access index_html.

All I then see in the log file is:

Exception traceback

2006/03/29 11:02:41.424 GMT+2
User Name (User Id)
Anonymous User (None)
Request URL
Exception Type
Exception Value
<strong>You are not authorized to access this resource.</strong>

Traceback (innermost last):

Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 105, in publish
Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 461, in traverse
Module ZPublisher.HTTPResponse, line 685, in unauthorized
Unauthorized: <strong>You are not authorized to access this resource.</strong> 

I somehow expected a more detailed description 'you need permissions blahdy bla' , and in this context you have 'da di da'


I think somehow verbose-security is not working for me. Has anyone tried it?


On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 00:30 +0000, Chris Withers wrote:
> Jeremy Cook wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me if I am doing anything wrong?
> Well, you're using Plohn for starters <0.5 wink>
> I suspect an unauthorized binding is something that verbose security 
> does not cater too well for. Patches accepted...
> Chris

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