[Zope] Better ZDOM examples? (take two)

Jonathan dev101 at magma.ca
Tue May 2 18:42:13 EDT 2006

Please keep all your posts on the list.

I have never used ZDOM, but a quick scan of the documentation indicates that 
this is strictly for server-side processing.  If you are trying to get 
access to the client side browser DOM then ZDOM is not going to do it for 

Perhaps some more details of what you are trying to accomplish would be 
helpful to list participants.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Benjamin Isaac" <benjamin.isaac at gmail.com>
To: "Jonathan" <dev101 at magma.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] Better ZDOM examples? (take two)

> Thank you for your reply Jonathan.  I am aware of all the various
> form-based solutions out there.  These are simple-case solutions that
> would work, if I wanted to use them.  It may turn out that I have no
> choice but to use the REQUEST / form method (which I've done countless
> times).  At this time I haven't seen any examples of ZDOM which is
> what I want....
> This is what I've found for documentation:
> http://www.zope.org/Wikis/zope-xml/ZDOMProgrammersGuide
> It's difficult to understand what's going on in this document. Perhaps 
> you've worked with it before?
> On 5/2/06, Jonathan <dev101 at magma.ca> wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Benjamin Isaac" <benjamin.isaac at gmail.com>
>> >
>> > My problem:  I need to access the DOM.  I need to pass a value from a
>> > form field to a python script.  I've been trying to avoid this
>> > intersection for quite some time, using creative alternatives to get
>> > around the problem.  However, I'm having difficulty avoiding it this
>> > time.
>> >
>> > I found something interesting:  ZDOM.  Looks promising, but I don't
>> > know what the heck I'm doing since the documentation is so laconic and
>> > sparse.  The example provided is too general for me.  I need a
>> > working, practical example.
>> >
>> > I'm not sure if 2.5 implements ZDOM.  If so, has anyone used it yet?
>> > If someone has used it, then perhaps that someone could send me a code
>> > snippet as an example?
>> Here is some info on ZDOM (but i don't think it is what you want!):
>> http://www.zope.org/Wikis/zope-xml/ZDom
>> This is a client side problem not a server side (ie. zope) issue. 
>> Normally,
>> all form fields are accessible via REQUEST on the server side.  A couple 
>> of
>> tricks:
>> 1) use <input type='hidden' ...> html tags to pass info back to zope
>> 2) use javascript to create new form fields (ie. based on some user
>> interaction, you need to pass something new back to zope)
>> hth
>> Jonathan

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