[Zope] How to set property from external method or pythonscript?
dev101 at magma.ca
Fri May 5 07:10:37 EDT 2006
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jaroslav Lukesh" <lukesh at seznam.cz>
To: <zope at zope.org>
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 1:02 AM
Subject: [Zope] How to set property from external method or pythonscript?
> HI all,
> External methods and pythonscripts are fine, but I did not find how to set
> some property or bulk of properties to use in dtml document after calling
> this ext.method or pythonscript. The passing variables I was find for
> pythonscripts only.
If you are looking for ways to access property fields from dtml here are a
few examples that may help. This was extracted from a 'quick-and-dirty'
utility which loads a property field with data to create a 'legal-list' -
the legal-list does not change once created (aside from some initial
debugging!). If you are going to access property fields on a more frequent
basis it would be better to use python scripts or external methods:
--check for property field and if it does not exist create it:
<dtml-if "not coup.hasProperty('provinces')">
<dtml-call "coup.manage_addProperty('provinces', '', 'string')">
--update contents of the property field (in this case we are storing a
pre-loading python dictionary):
<dtml-call "coup.manage_changeProperties({'provinces':aDict})">
--access contents of a property field (which in this case is a python
<dtml-let etypes="coup.getProperty('provinces')">
<dtml-in "etypes.keys()" sort>
<dtml-var sequence-item> - <dtml-var "etypes[_['sequence-item']]"><br>
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