[Zope] strange behaviour:can not access source-view.gif but a copy of it

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Mon May 8 13:38:59 EDT 2006

robert rottermann wrote at 2006-5-7 10:05 +0200:
> ...
>> What does the "wget -S http://www.ersigen.ch/view-source.gif"
>> gives you?
>prints the following and waits for ever:
>robert at chrissy:/home/zope/Products/redProducts/RedUtils/commander/tests> 
>wget -S http://www.ersigen.ch/view-source.gif
>--09:59:48--  http://www.ersigen.ch/view-source.gif
>           => `view-source.gif'
>Auflösen des Hostnamen »www.ersigen.ch«....
>Verbindungsaufbau zu www.ersigen.ch||:80... verbunden.
>HTTP Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort...

Okay, I would not want to believe it. But, apparently, Zope
really does not answer.

Thus check at the bottom of "Control_Panel --> Debug information"
that Zope is indeed still processing the request.
If it does, use "DeadlockDebugger" to find out where it is hanging


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