[Zope] Re: Re: Zope to ldif

Sam Stainsby sam at stainsby.id.au
Fri May 12 04:24:26 EDT 2006

On Fri, 12 May 2006 09:11:26 +0000, Jamie Bullock wrote:

> All of our users details are currently stored in the zodb, we don't
> have an existing LDAP service, so this is from scratch. I'd expect to
> just need to use the script once, and then just use LDAP as a backend,
> managing it with a Plone/Zope binding through LDAPUF.

The type of information we need to send to LDAP is too varied to rely
on LDAPUF, so we settled for a periodic update to LDAP using the export
script (there is also a "manual override" to update or rewrite LDAP
immediately). This allows us to create all manner of interesting
structures in LDAP if we choose to. The update happens every 10 minutes,
which is not an unreasonable delay for this application. Since there are
less than 200 staff, the update is not a big strain on the LDAP server.

> That's almost identical to what I need to do. I want Zope/Plone
> management with an LDAP backend for Plone, ezmlm/qmail lists, and
> svn/trac!

OK, I'll talk to my client about some kind of sharing or collaboration. I
believe we are using ezmlm too, though we haven't yet done the LDAP
integration for our mail server yet, but we are getting there.

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