[Zope] AJAX and Zope

Tarek Ziadé tziade at nuxeo.com
Wed May 24 09:34:16 EDT 2006

Lennart Regebro wrote:

> On 5/24/06, Pascal Peregrina <Pperegrina at lastminute.com> wrote:
>> By Zope objects I meant:
>> You've got a page template for example, and you include such an "AJAX
>> enabled object", basically rendering an HTML fragment, and the
>> resulting page will include the page template code + the fragment
>> (similar to a macro call), but will also include the needed
>> javascript code to handle the asynchronous communication.
> That is a macro call. There is no difference. It just that the macro
> includes the HTML needed to suck in the JS library you use.
>> Then another thing would be something like a PythonScript object (so
>> you define python code and return python structures) and get it
>> rendered as javascript to be included in somepage for processing the
>> data returned by an asynchronous XML-RPC call to Zope within the
>> browser.
> Thare has been discussions and efforts to make a library where you can
> write python code and get Ajax out, yes. It is very non-trivial. :)

You might want to look at Azax approach as well:
besides the way it works (you define behaviors in XML files, that get
processed by a js engine)

it gathers Zope 3 help views, that let the developer define the behavior
in Python

I think the stuff lennart talks about is CrackAjax, but IIRC it is  not
really maintained
and let you kinda write javascript in Python: the python code is not
valid (can't be tested, etc..), but translated to valid javascript


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