[Zope] Isolating changes that can only be done globally
Paul Winkler
pw_lists at slinkp.com
Tue May 30 09:24:46 EDT 2006
FWIW, the last time I did something like this I ended up using
pycurl ( http://pycurl.sourceforge.net/ ).
I don't have that code any more (it belongs to a former employer)
but it was pretty easy to get working, it supported timeouts,
it was fast, and it worked with a cantankerous proxy server setup that
broke httplib. (discussion here:
http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2005-April/275678.html )
On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 12:21:48AM -0400, Chris McDonough wrote:
> I suspect you're going to have to subclass the urllib2 Opener class
> (es) and use a timeoutsocket where they create sockets. Making this
> be an option upstream would be a valuable addition to Python, FWIW.
> The other way to do this would be to ditch urllib2 and write a very
> simple HTTP client using asyncore (which is far more malleable). One
> that I created based on some code I found floating around in RDFLib
> is attached.
> # this code based on Daniel Krech's RDFLib HTTP client code (see rdflib.net)
> import sys
> import socket
> import asyncore
> import asynchat
> import base64
> from urlparse import urlparse
> CR="\x0d"
> LF="\x0a"
> class Listener(object):
> def status(self, url, status):
> pass
> def error(self, url, error):
> pass
> def response_header(self, url, name, value):
> pass
> def done(self, url):
> pass
> def feed(self, url, data):
> print data
> def close(self, url):
> pass
> class HTTPHandler(object, asynchat.async_chat):
> def __init__(self, listener, username='', password=None):
> super(HTTPHandler, self).__init__()
> asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self)
> self.listener = listener
> self.user_agent = 'Supervisor HTTP Client'
> self.buffer = ''
> self.set_terminator(CRLF)
> self.connected = 0
> self.part = self.status_line
> self.chunk_size = 0
> self.chunk_read = 0
> self.length_read = 0
> self.length = 0
> self.encoding = None
> self.username = username
> self.password = password
> self.url = None
> self.error_handled = False
> def get(self, url):
> assert(self.url==None, "Already doing a get") #@@
> self.url = url
> scheme, host, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(url)
> if not scheme=="http":
> raise NotImplementedError
> self.host = host
> if ":" in host:
> hostname, port = host.split(":", 1)
> port = int(port)
> else:
> hostname = host
> port = 80
> self.path = "?".join([path, query])
> self.port = port
> ip = hostname
> self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> self.connect((ip, self.port))
> def close (self):
> self.listener.close(self.url)
> self.connected = 0
> self.del_channel()
> self.socket.close()
> self.url = "CLOSED"
> def header(self, name, value):
> self.push('%s: %s' % (name, value))
> self.push(CRLF)
> def handle_error (self):
> if self.error_handled == True:
> return
> if 1 or self.connected:
> t,v,tb = sys.exc_info()
> print t, v, tb
> msg = 'Cannot connect to %s, error: %s' % (self.url, t)
> self.part = self.ignore
> self.close()
> print msg
> self.error_handled = True
> def handle_connect(self):
> self.connected = 1
> method = "GET"
> version = "HTTP/1.1"
> self.push("%s %s %s" % (method, self.path, version))
> self.push(CRLF)
> self.header("Host", self.host)
> self.header('Accept-Encoding', 'chunked')
> self.header('Accept', '*/*')
> self.header('User-agent', self.user_agent)
> if self.password:
> auth = '%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password)
> auth = base64.encodestring(auth).strip()
> self.header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % auth)
> self.push(CRLF)
> self.push(CRLF)
> def feed(self, data):
> self.listener.feed(self.url, data)
> def collect_incoming_data(self, bytes):
> self.buffer = self.buffer + bytes
> if self.part==self.body:
> self.feed(self.buffer)
> self.buffer = ''
> def found_terminator(self):
> self.part()
> self.buffer = ''
> def ignore(self):
> self.buffer = ''
> def status_line(self):
> line = self.buffer
> version, status, reason = line.split(None, 2)
> status = int(status)
> if not version.startswith('HTTP/'):
> raise ValueError(line)
> self.listener.status(self.url, status)
> if status == 200:
> self.part = self.headers
> else:
> self.part = self.ignore
> print 'Cannot read %s, status code %s' % (self.url, status)
> self.close()
> return version, status, reason
> def headers(self):
> line = self.buffer
> if not line:
> if self.encoding=="chunked":
> self.part = self.chunked_size
> else:
> self.part = self.body
> self.set_terminator(self.length)
> else:
> name, value = line.split(":", 1)
> if name and value:
> name = name.lower()
> value = value.strip()
> if name=="Transfer-Encoding".lower():
> self.encoding = value
> elif name=="Content-Length".lower():
> self.length = int(value)
> self.response_header(name, value)
> def response_header(self, name, value):
> self.listener.response_header(self.url, name, value)
> def body(self):
> self.done()
> self.close()
> def done(self):
> self.listener.done(self.url)
> def chunked_size(self):
> line = self.buffer
> if not line:
> return
> chunk_size = int(line.split()[0], 16)
> if chunk_size==0:
> self.part = self.trailer
> else:
> self.set_terminator(chunk_size)
> self.part = self.chunked_body
> self.length += chunk_size
> def chunked_body(self):
> line = self.buffer
> self.set_terminator(CRLF)
> self.part = self.chunked_size
> self.feed(line)
> def trailer(self):
> # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.6.1
> # trailer = *(entity-header CRLF)
> line = self.buffer
> if line==CRLF:
> self.done()
> self.close()
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> url = sys.argv[1]
> listener = Listener()
> handler = HTTPHandler(listener)
> try:
> handler.get(url)
> except Exception, e:
> listener.error(url, "Error connecting '%s'" % e)
> asyncore.loop()
> print "-"
> On May 29, 2006, at 7:27 PM, Michael Vartanyan wrote:
> >Hello All,
> >
> >This is probably more a Python question but maybe you will have a
> >quick solution for me - I guess the greatest *multi-threaded*
> >Python application provides the greatest basis for this problem
> >domain :-)
> >
> >The situation: external method that is doing a http request using
> >urllib2. I don't care about the response, and whether there was any
> >response at all, I just need to send the request through - thus I
> >want this request to time out very fast (let it be 2 seconds). I
> >found no documented way to set the timeout for urllib2, after some
> >googling I found an advice to manipulate the timeout on the lower-
> >level socket module, something like this:
> >
> >import socket
> >import urllib2
> >
> >def do_request():
> > timeout = 2
> > socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
> > req = urllib2.Request(url='http://my.site.com/do_something_quick')
> > response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
> >
> >The problem is this way this default timeout is set for _all_ new
> >socket created by this Python process using the socket module. Even
> >if I return the default to its previous state after the request it
> >won't help me much - there are three more threads in my Zope that
> >should be able to work with default timeout. So there are two
> >possible solutions - to find a (preferably documented) way of
> >accessing and parameterizing the socket object created by urllib2
> >to make a request or to find a way to isolate(??) global module
> >settings between Zope threads.
> >
> >Zope 2.8.3, Python 2.4.2, FreeBSD 4.10 if this is relevant.
> >
> >Any hints/TFMs?
> >
> >Many thanks
> >Michael
> >
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> >
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> Zope maillist - Zope at zope.org
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Paul Winkler
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